Warm holiday cabins with fireplaces

Ti-Tree Village

Ocean Grove, VIC
Ti-Tree Village

94% like it (4.7 / 85 Reviews )


Address: 34 Orton St, Ocean Grove VIC 3226, Australia MapGet Directions

Phone : +61 352 55 44 33 Call


Relaxed holiday cabins featuring kitchens, verandahs & flat-screen TVs, plus fireplaces.


This Self-catering accommodation received 4.7 points from 85 customer reviews.

The address of Ti-Tree Village is:

Ti-Tree Village
34 Orton St
Ocean Grove, Victoria 3226
P: +61352554433

Visit Website: www.ti-treevillage.com.au

Ti-Tree Village is listed under

Ocean Grove Holiday House
Ocean Grove Holiday House


20 Barramundi Cres, Ocean Grove VIC 3226

Bells By The Beach dog-friendly holiday house
Bells By The Beach dog-friendly holiday house


24 Roditis Dr, Ocean Grove VIC 3226


Ti-Tree Village Location